Tuesday, August 4, 2009

dear kate,
today was a hot day and i was thinking that if you were here i would take you out for a
frozen yogurt
ice cream cone!
something like the one in the picture!
wouldn't that be fun?
which colour would you like best?
hmmmmm . . .
i think i would choose the chocolate . . .
i do love chocolate best!
of course
i love you more than all of the chocolate in the world!
grammy xox

Monday, August 3, 2009

dear kate,
i feel very sad today . . .
i miss you so much and things are so hard right now
i want you to know that even though
storms rage around us
and even though the waves and winds are fierce
and even when the clouds and fog make it hard to see clearly
we can always trust Jesus to rescue us
and protect us
and give us a hope and a future
whenever i feel sad
i put my trust in Him
because i know that He loves us
and i know that He knows the beginning and the ending
Jesus will never fail me
and He will never fail you
i love you so much . . .
grammy xoxox