Sunday, August 28, 2011

can you believe it?

dear kate,
can you believe it?
today - in the evening after supper - i saw another beautiful rainbow!
this time, it was in ontario - at my house!
i took a picture of it . . .
isn't it beautiful?
imagine ... just nine days after i took the picture of the double rainbow in alberta ... i saw this one!
i think that God put the double one in alberta to show us that He is watching over both you and mommy all the time.
He didn't want me to be sad because i was leaving and He wanted me to know that He would take care of you and mommy.
and now, this rainbow at my house is reminding me - again - of how loving and faithful God is!
He will always be with me - and He will always be with you and mommy too!
nammy xox

Thursday, August 25, 2011

hi sugar plum!

dear kate,
i'm just going to bed now and i'm laying here thinking about you and all the fun we had together this summer!  
i can hardly believe that the summer is almost over and fall is just ahead.
but, you know what?  
i love the fall.  one of my favourite holidays is in the fall.  do you know what that is?  it's thanksgiving!  
i love thanksgiving.  it's a time when i think about things a lot and thank God for all of His blessings in my life.
and you - my sweet little sugar plum - are one of His biggest blessings!!
i love you so much!
nammy xox

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

missing you so much . . .

dear kate,
i miss you so much!
i haven't seen you, or talked to you since we flew back from ontario and dropped you off on the 15th of august!  it seems like so long after spending every day with you since july 29th!  i miss you like crazy.
this morning, i was up at 6am putting away all the toys that i had out while you were here.  it was so sad putting everything back away until your next visit . . .
i just love you so, so, so much and always count the months and weeks until i see you and mommy again!
i think that you will be going home this weekend (from your holiday with daddy).  he asked mommy to take you for the weekend and she misses you so much, she can't wait to see you!  she promised me that she would skype me so that we could chat online! i'm so excited to see your adorable face and hear your sweet voice again!
talk to you soon sugar plum!
nammy xox

Friday, August 19, 2011

God's promises . . .

dear kate,
today i had to leave cold lake and fly home to ontario to my house.  frappy missed me and i missed him too.
so ... i guess it's 'goodbye' until we see each other again!
i was driving the car from your home in cold lake to go to the edmonton airport early this morning - and guess what i saw?
here is a picture of it!
it was a beautiful double rainbow on the side of the road!  it was so awesome, that i had to stop the car and take a photo of it!
and, you know what?  it made me remember what the Lord says in His Word (the Bible) . . .
Jesus said that a rainbow is a sign of God's promise to His children.
i remembered that and it made me think again about how faithful God is and about how much He loves us.
even when we don't understand things, we don't ever need to be afraid, because we know that He understands everything and knows the future.
it is so good to know that Jesus takes care of me - and you - and mommy.
it is so good to know that He loves us and will always protect us and be with us.
nammy xox

Thursday, August 11, 2011

first "big screen" movie experience!

dear kate,
this afternoon nammy took you to your first "big screen" movie in ottawa at the rainbow cinema!  
nicholas came with us.
we were going to see Kung Fu Panda but it was playing in 3D and everyone had to wear 3D glasses to see it properly.  i just didn't think that you would last the whole movie wearing paper glasses, so we decided to see mr. popper's penguins instead!

Jim Carey was in the movie and he was really funny!
You loved the theatre, but wondered why it was so dark in there!  You sat up in your seat and ate some goldfish crackers while we watched the movie.  You were really good and stayed pretty quiet except for a few questions for nammy! after awhile, you crawled up on my knee and pretty soon, you fell asleep.  you woke up for the last 5 minutes of the movie and then it was time to go!
when i asked you if you had fun - and if you liked the movie - you said yes!  so, for the little you did see, i was happy you liked it!
nicholas and i enjoyed it all - hee-hee!
i think next summer you will enjoy the movie-going adventure much more ... and i can't wait to go with you again when you are a little older and a little more wide awake!!  
i love you so much sugar plum - and i'm happy that it was nammy who took you to your first movie - even if you did sleep through most of it!
nammy xox

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

gum balls . . .

dear kate,
one of the good things about being at nammy's surely is my gumball machine!  there it sits on the shelf in my office - with a container of pennies right beside it!  

you are such a good girl - you get pennies all the time - and you put them into that gumball machine, turn the crank, and presto!!!  out comes a gumball!  
the best thing is that most of the time when you put one penny in - two gumballs come out!  that means that you can share!  and you always ask nammy if i want one, and if i don't, you give one to someone else!  you are so happy to share - and that makes me so happy!
i love you sugar plum!
nammy xox

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

back to calypso!!

dear kate,
today we went back to our favourite place ... calypso!!!
some of our friends are going to come too!  your best friend, gabe, is coming with his mommy, becci!  here is a picture of gabe at calypso!

zoe is coming too!  she is bringing her mommy, naomi and her nana too!  
what a fun day at calypso!  the weather here in ontario is perfect all the time!  it is so hot and sunny again ... and the water is cool, even though it is heated a little!  this is absolutely your favourite place to be having fun on a day like this!

boy!  it's a good thing we got memberships to calypso!  i think we will be going there almost every day!
i love playing with you at the water park!  it is so much fun!
nammy xox

Monday, August 1, 2011

it's monday already!

dear kate,
can you believe that it's monday already?  wow!  the time sure flies by when you are having so much fun, doesn't it?
today we are going to ottawa.  we are going to go shopping for a little while and buy some clothes and presents for you!

then, we are going to have a picnic lunch at a big park in the city!

we played on the see-saw together and went up and down!!  then i pushed you really, really high on the swing!  we said, "to infinity and beyond!!"  and then we pretended that we could fly on the swing!!

after we played for a long time, we had ice cream!  it was so hot outside that we had to eat it really fast because it was melting, melting, melting!!
what a fun day we had today!
nammy xox